October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so LSB wants to remind you to stay safe online. Identity theft is becoming harder to prevent, and with all of the technology available today, it’s easier than ever for fraudsters to get access to your private information. It’s extremely important for consumers to proactively protect their information from identity thieves, and take extra precautions. Lincoln Savings Bank is committed to safeguarding your private bank info, and offers the following tips to help you protect yourself from account takeover fraud and identity theft:
- Don’t Share. Don’t provide your Social Security number or account information to anyone who contacts you online or over the phone. Protect your PINs and passwords and do not share them with anyone. Using a combination of unique numbers and letters for your passwords, along with changing them periodically can help add extra security as well. Avoid revealing any sensitive information on social media, and be sure to change your passwords to any personal accounts regularly.
- Shred sensitive papers. Shred your old receipts, bank statements, unused credit card offers, and mail before throwing them away. As a rule: if it has your name along with info like your address or account numbers. Check your local LSB location to see when their community shredding day is, often times you can come and get the service as a customer perk.
- Keep an eye out for missing mail. Fraudsters look for monthly bank or credit card statements and other mail containing your financial information. Enrolling in online banking to reduce the likelihood of misplaced or stolen statements can help. But, make sure to keep those passwords safe. Also, try not to mail bills from your mailbox with the flag up, this is a signal to the mailman, but it can also signal a thief.
- Use online banking to protect yourself. Monitor your financial accounts regularly for fraudulent transactions. Sign up for text or email alerts from your bank for certain types of transactions, such as online purchases or unusually large transactions.
- Monitor your credit report. Order a free copy of your credit report every four months from one of the three credit reporting agencies; TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. You can also request a credit freeze for free from any of these bureaus to restrict access to your credit file from unauthorized third parties.
- Protect your computer. Make sure the virus protection software on your computer is active and up to date. When doing your personal or financial business online, make sure your browser’s padlock or key icon is active. An easy security check is the presence of the “s” after “http” at the top of your webpage.
- Protect your mobile device. Always use a passcode to lock your phone as well as other devices like tablets. This will make it more difficult for thieves to access your information if your device is lost or stolen. Before you donate, sell, or trade your old technology, be sure to wipe its memory by using the manufacturer’s or servicer’s recommended technique. Always be careful of downloads including apps, malware, and links from an unknown sender on any of your devices.
- Report any suspected fraud to your bank immediately. The sooner you notice possible fraudulent transactions or suspicious calls/emails/mail, the easier it will be to take control of the problem.
For more information or answers to any questions on how LSB can help you guard your private info, visit any of our locations and talk to an expert today.
Lincoln Savings Bank, Member FDIC