With the New Year comes new goals for yourself, and for improving your financial situation. There is always room to grow, so make sure you’re setting yourself up for success and starting off strong.
- Decide what this year will focus on. If you have a long list of goals, try to prioritize what is most important for you and narrow down your list to the top 3 or 4. These might be saving more money, or sticking to a budget. Get creative but stay on track, make sure your goal is realistic for your lifestyle and income.
- Find out how you are going to measure your progress. Let’s say you want to save more, will you measure this monthly, or by paycheck or another factor? Setting a goal is the start, but this goal will probably be relevant for a large portion of the year. Finding a consistent way to track it will help you stay focused and know your progress over the full duration. There are several different ways to keep track of your spending and budget, so if you want to pick up a new management method in the new year, try Ledger! Ledger is a financial management tool that will help you manage everything from your credit cards, loans and checking/saving accounts, and will save you tons of time in 2019!
- Set milestones. If you’re saving for a big trip or purchase, setting milestones can assist you in staying on course for the final goal. You could save for different parts of the trip, like the plane ticket or hotel purchases one at a time, so you can buy in phases that are more manageable.
- Write down your goal. Make sure your goal stays visible, this will keep it at the front of your mind and will help you remain accountable. If you’re saving as a couple or a family, make sure everyone is involved and knowledgeable of the final goal. This will create accountability, which will make it harder for you to forget or push your resolution aside.
If you need help setting a goal, or want to talk to an expert on the keys to saving, check out one of our locations! We can help you set up automatic savings and other features that will help you better manage your money.