Chris Frischmeyer

About Chris:
Chris grew up on a farm in Carroll county, Iowa, with 5 brothers and 2 sisters. He graduated from Iowa State University in 1986 with a degree in Ag Business. He worked for one year as an Ag Loan Officer for Farm Credit Services and then came to work for Lincoln Savings Bank in December of 1987. He says that Lincoln Savings Bank has rewarded him with a challenging and rewarding career as a community banker which has allowed him to assist the varying needs of our clients, from personal loans, to home loans, to farm and business loans. His goal is to be an expert financial resource for all his clients.
Away from the bank, Chris enjoys spending time with his wife, two daughters and their son, along with volunteering in the community and serving on several community service organization boards, including being a Charter Member of the Little Rebels Learning Center.
Interested in talking with Chris about financing for your farm or business?
Fill out the short form below and he will get back to you to answer any questions you may have.
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